The_Best_Bot Commands

Contained in this document are the commands for The_Best_Bot. They are grouped by their location in the bot's folder, and listed by their respective scripts, with the commands and a short explanation underneath.
Command list was last updated on 02/19/16 for The_Best_Bot v2.0.4


Module Command Usage Description
./commands/customCommands.js !commands !commands Displays the current custom commands that have been created
./commands/customCommands.js !addcom !addcom [command] [command text] Add a custom command
./commands/customCommands.js !delcom !delcom [command] Delete a custom command
./commands/customCommands.js !aliascom !aliascom [command] [alias] Create an alias to any command
./commands/customCommands.js !delalias !delalias [alias] Delete an alias
./commands/customCommands.js !permcom !permcom [command] [groupId] Set the permissions for a command, press the red button above to show the group IDs
./commands/customCommands.js !pricecom !pricecom [command] [amount] Set the amount of points a command should cost
./commands/lastseenCommand.js !lastseen !lastseen [username] Find out when the given user interacted with the chat
./commands/streamCommand.js !online !online Tell if the stream is online or not
./commands/streamCommand.js !viewers !viewers Announce the current amount of viewers in the chat
./commands/streamCommand.js !game !game Announce the current set game
./commands/streamCommand.js !game !game [game title] Set the game
./commands/streamCommand.js !title !title Announce the current set stream title
./commands/streamCommand.js !title !title [title] Set the stream title
./commands/topCommand.js !top5 !top5 Get the top 5 viewers in the channel
./commands/topCommand.js !top5time !top5time Get the top 5 viewers in the channel with time
./core/chatModerator.js !permit !permit [user] Permit someone to post a link
./core/chatModerator.js !blacklist !blacklist [add / remove / show] Add, remove, or show items in the blacklist
./core/chatModerator.js !blacklist add !blacklist add [word] Adds a word to the blacklist
./core/chatModerator.js !blacklist remove !blacklist remove [id] Removes a word to the blacklist
./core/chatModerator.js !blacklist show !blacklist show [id] Shows that blacklist
./core/chatModerator.js !whitelist !whitelist [option] Adds a link to the whitelist
./core/chatModerator.js !whitelist add !whitelist add [link] Adds a link to the whitelist
./core/chatModerator.js !whitelist remove !whitelist remove [id] Removes a link to the whitelist
./core/chatModerator.js !whitelist show !whitelist show [id] Shows a link in the whitelist
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation !moderation [option] Set the moderation filter for your chat
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation links !moderation links [on / off] Enable/Disable the link filter
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation caps !moderation caps [on / off] Enable/Disable the caps filter
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation regulars !moderation regulars [true / false] Allow regulars to post links
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation subscribers !moderation subscribers [true / false] Allows subscribers to avoid all spam filters
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation linksmessage !moderation linksmessage [message] Sets the link warning message
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation capsmessage !moderation capsmessage [message] Sets the cap warning message
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation symbolsmessage !moderation symbolsmessage [message] Sets the symbols warning message
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation spammessage !moderation spammessage [message] Sets the spam warning message
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation blacklistmessage !moderation blacklistmessage [message] Sets the blacklist warning message
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation permittime !moderation permittime [amount] Sets the permit time
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation capslimit !moderation capslimit [amount] Sets the caps limit
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation capstriggerlength !moderation capstriggerlength [amount] Sets the minimum amount of charaters before checking for caps
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation spamlimit !moderation spamlimit [amount] Sets the amount of repeating charaters allowed in a message
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation spam !moderation spam [on / off] Removes chat messages with repeating characters or words
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation symbolslimit !moderation symbolslimit [amount] Sets the amount of symbols allowed in a message
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation symbolstriggerlength !moderation symbolstriggerlength [amount] Sets the minimum amount of charaters before checking for symbols
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation timeouttime !moderation timeouttime [amount] Sets the time in seconds for how a long a user gets timed out
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation warningtime !moderation warningtime [amount] Sets the time in seconds for how a long a user gets purged for
./core/chatModerator.js !moderation messagecooldown !moderation messagecooldown [amount] Set a cooldown for the chat moderator warning and timeout messages
./core/commandCoolDown.js !cooldown !cooldown [comamnd] [seconds] Set the cooldown for a command
./core/commandCoolDown.js !clearcooldown !clearcooldown [command] Clear all cooldowns for the given command
./core/commandCoolDown.js !togglemodcooldown !togglemodcooldown Toggle command cooldown for mods
./core/commandPause.js !pausecommands !pausecommands [seconds] Pause all command usage for the given amount of time, ommit the seconds parameter to use the set default
./core/commandPause.js !pausecommands clear !pausecommands clear Unpause all commands of the pause is active
./handlers/donationHandler.js !lastdonation !lastdonation Display the last donation made.
./handlers/donationHandler.js !donations !donations [announce] Toggle donation announcements.
./handlers/donationHandler.js !donations !donations [reward n.n] Set a reward value for each point(s) donated, set to 0 disable.
./core/lang.js !lang !lang Get the current set language
./core/lang.js !lang !lang [language name] Change the current language (Use a name of the folders in "./lang")
./core/lang.js !mute !mute Toggle muting the bot in the chat
./core/lang.js !toggleme !toggleme Toggle prepending chat output with "/me".
./core/logging.js !log !log Get current logging status
./core/logging.js !log enable !log enable Enable logging
./core/logging.js !log disable !log disable Disable logging
./core/permissions.js !users !users List current users currently in the channel
./core/permissions.js !grouppoints !grouppoints [group#] [online|offline] [points] Get/set the group points assigned. Settings points to -1 defaults back to !setgain, !setofflinegain
./core/permissions.js !mods !mods List mods currently in the channel
./core/permissions.js !group !group Get your current group
./core/permissions.js !group !group [username] [groupId] Set the usergroup for a user, press the red button above to show the group IDs.
./core/pointSystem.js !points !points Announce YOUR current amount of points, this base command can be replaced by the pointsname and pointsnamemultiple
./core/pointSystem.js !pointnamemultiple !pointnamemultiple Announce YOUR current amount of points
./core/pointSystem.js !pointnamesingle !pointnamesingle Announce YOUR current amount of points
./core/pointSystem.js !points add !points add [username] [amount] Add an amount of points to a user's balance
./core/pointSystem.js !points take !points take [username] [amount] Take an amount of points from the user's balance
./core/pointSystem.js !points set !points set [username] [amount] Set the user's points balance to an amount
./core/pointSystem.js !points all !points all [amount] Send an amount of points to all users in the chat
./core/pointSystem.js !points setname single !points setname single [name] Set the points handle for single points
./core/pointSystem.js !points setname multiple !points setname multiple [name] Set the points handle for plural points
./core/pointSystem.js !points setgain !points setgain [amount] Set the amount of points gained per payout interval while the channel is online
./core/pointSystem.js !points setofflinegain !points setofflinegain [amount] Set the amount of points gained per interval while the channel is offline
./core/pointSystem.js !points setinterval !points setinterval [minutes] Set the points payout interval for when the channel is online
./core/pointSystem.js !points setofflineinterval !points setofflineinterval [minutes] Set the points payout interval for when the channel is offline
./core/pointSystem.js !makeitrain !makeitrain [amount] Send a random amount of points to each user in the channel
./core/ranks.js !rank !rank Announce YOUR current rank
./core/ranks.js !rank set !rank set [username] [rank] Set a user's rank, may contain spaces
./core/ranks.js !rank del !rank del [username] Unset a user's rank
./core/ranks.js !rank settime !rank settime [hours] Set the amount of hours a user has to be in the chat to be eligable for a rank (Esthetic only)
./core/timeSystem.js !time !time Announce YOUR logged time in the channel
./core/timeSystem.js !time add !time add [seconds] Add seconds to an user's logged time (for correction purposes)
./core/timeSystem.js !time take !time take [seconds] Take seconds from an user's logged time (for correction purposes)
./core/timeSystem.js !time promotehours !time promotehours [hours] Set the amount of hours a user has to be logged to automatically become a regular
./core/timeSystem.js !time offlinetime !time offlinetime Toggle logging a user's time when the channel is offline
./core/timeSystem.js !time modpermtoggle !time modpermtoggle Toggle permissions for changing user's logged time between admin/mod
./core/timeSystem.js !streamertime !streamertime Announce the caster's local time
./core/whisper.js !togglewhispermode !togglewhispermode Toggle whisper mode
./games/8ball.js !8ball !8ball [question] Ask the 8ball for advice
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure !adventure Base command
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure !adventure [amount] Start/join an adventure
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure top5 !adventure top5 Announce the top 5 adventurers in the chat (most points gained)
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure set !adventure set Base command
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure set jointime !adventure set jointime [seconds] Set the join time.
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure set cooldown !adventure set cooldown [seconds] Set the cooldown of the Adventure System.
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure set gainpercent !adventure set gainpercent [number] Set the gain percentage of the Adventure System.
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure set minbet !adventure set minbet [number] Set the minimum amount of points you can bet.
./games/adventureSystem.js !adventure set maxbet !adventure set maxbet [number] Set the max amount of points you can bet.
./games/killCommand.js !kill !kill [username] Kill a fellow viewer (not for real tho!), ommit the username to kill yourself
./games/random.js !random !random Something random will happen
./games/roll.js !roll !roll Roll the dice for some points
./games/roulette.js !roulette !roulette Pull the trigger and find out if there's a bullet in the chamber
./games/roulette.js !roulettetimeouttime !roulettetimeouttime [seconds] Set the timeout time for the roulette command
./games/slotMachine.js !slot !slot Play the slot machines for some points
./handlers/followHandler.js !followmessagenoreward !followmessagenoreward [message] Set a message for new followers when there are no rewards. Tags: (name)
./handlers/followHandler.js !shoutout !shoutout [streamer] Give a shoutout to a fellow streamer, including game playing (or last played)
./handlers/followHandler.js !caster !caster [streamer] Give a shoutout to a fellow streamer, including game playing (or last played)
./handlers/followHandler.js !follow !follow [streamer] Give a shoutout to a fellow streamer, including game playing (or last played)
./handlers/followHandler.js !followreward !followreward [amount] Set the points reward for following
./handlers/followHandler.js !followmessage !followmessage [message] Set the follow message
./handlers/followHandler.js !followers !followers Announce the current amount of followers
./handlers/followHandler.js !checkfollow !checkfollow [usename] Check if a user is following the channel
./handlers/hostHandler.js !hostreward !hostreward [amount] Set the amount of points to reward when a channel starts hosting
./handlers/hostHandler.js !unhost !unhost Send the /unhost command to twitch
./handlers/hostHandler.js !hostcount !hostcount Announce the current number of other channels hosting this channel
./handlers/hostHandler.js !hostlist !hostlist Announce a list of current other channels hosting this channel
./handlers/keywordHandler.js !keyword !keyword [option] Tells you keyword usage
./handlers/keywordHandler.js !keyword add !keyword add [keyword] [response] Adds a keyword
./handlers/keywordHandler.js !keyword remove !keyword remove [keyword] Removes that keyword
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !submessagenoreward !submessagenoreward [message] Set a message for new subscribers when there are no rewards. Tags: (name)
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !resubmessagenoreward !resubmessagenoreward [message] Set a message for returning subscribers when there are no rewards. Tags: (name) (months)
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !subwelcometoggle !subwelcometoggle Enable or disable sub alerts
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !resubwelcometoggle !resubwelcometoggle Enable or disable resub alerts
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !submessage !submessage [message] Set a sub welcome message
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !resubmessage !resubmessage Set a resub message
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !subscribereward !subscribereward Set a sub reward
./handlers/subscribeHandler.js !subscribercount !subscribercount See how many subs there are
./init.js !reconnect !reconnect Tell the bot to reconnect to the twitch chat and API
./init.js !module list !module list List all known modules
./init.js !module enable !module enable [script file path] Enable a module
./init.js !module disable !module disable [script file path] Disable a module
./init.js !module status !module status [script file path] Get the current status of a module
./init.js !chat !chat [message] Used by the webpanel to announce messages in the chat in name of the bot
./systems/cleanupSystem.js !cleanup !cleanup Run a cleanup on the bot's database (Removing any data from users that haven't been seen for a while)
./systems/greetingSystem.js !greeting toggledefault !greeting toggledefault Enable/disable the default greeting
./systems/greetingSystem.js !greeting setdefault !greeting setdefault [message] Set the default greeting
./systems/greetingSystem.js !greeting enable !greeting enable [message] Set YOUR personal greeting (Regardless of default greeting being enabled)
./systems/greetingSystem.js !greeting disable !greeting disable Delete YOUR personal greeting
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice !notice Gives you usage.
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice get !notice get [id] Gets the notice un that id
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice edit !notice edit [id] [new message] Allows you to edit a notice with that id
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice remove !notice remove [id] Removes that notice under that id
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice add !notice add [message or command:botcommand] Adds a notice to the system, optionally, a command may be executed if added as "command:botcommand
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice interval !notice interval [minutes] Sets the notice interval
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice req !notice req [amount of messages] Set the amount of messages needed to trigger a notice
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice config !notice config Shows the notice settings
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice toggle !notice toggle Toggles notices on and off
./systems/noticeSystem.js !notice reload !notice reload Reloads all notices
./systems/pollSystem.js !poll !poll Announce information about a possible currently running poll
./systems/pollSystem.js !poll results !poll results Announce result information about the last run poll (Poll information is retained until shutdown)
./systems/pollSystem.js !poll open !poll open !poll open [-t Run time in seconds] [-m minimum votes] [-q "Poll question"] [-o "option1, option2..."] Start a new poll (-t and -m are optional)
./systems/pollSystem.js !poll close !poll close Close the current poll
./systems/quoteSystem.js !addquote !addquote [username] [quote text] Save a quote
./systems/quoteSystem.js !delquote !delquote [quoteId] Delete a quote
./systems/quoteSystem.js !quote !quote [quoteId] Announce a quote by its Id, ommit the id parameter to get a random quote
./systems/raffleSystem.js !raffle !raffle Announce information about a possibly currently running raffle
./systems/raffleSystem.js !raffle open !raffle open [keyword] [cost] [-followers] Open a raffle -followers is optional
./systems/raffleSystem.js !raffle close !raffle close End the current raffle and pick a winner
./systems/raffleSystem.js !raffle repick !raffle repick Redraw the winner of the previous raffle
./systems/raidSystem.js !raid !raid [channelname] Announce and register a new outgoing raid
./systems/raidSystem.js !raider !raider [channelname] Announce and register a new incomming raid
./systems/raidSystem.js !setraidmsg !setraidmsg [message...] Set a message for users to copy/paste into the target's chat
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer !musicplayer Manage Youtbe Player settings
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer togglenotify !musicplayer togglenotify Toggle now-playing notifications in the chat
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer limit !musicplayer limit [amount] Limit the maximum parallel songs a user can request
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer maxvideolength !musicplayer maxvideolength [seconds] Set the meximum video length for requests in seconds
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer shuffle !musicplayer shuffle Toggle the shuffling of the default playlist
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer pause !musicplayer pause Toggle te play/pause state of the connected musicplayers
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer reload !musicplayer reload Reload the default playlist
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer adddefault !musicplayer adddefault [Youtube link] Add a video to the default playlist
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !musicplayer deldefault !musicplayer deldefault [id in playlist] Delete an entry from the default playlist
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !addsong !addsong [Youtube link] Add a song the the request list
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !volume !volume [0-100] Set the volume of the connected musicplayer
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !skipsong !skipsong Skip to the next song in the playlist
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !stealsong !stealsong Steal the currently playing song and add it to the default playlist
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !playsong !playsong [id in playlsit] Jump to a song at the given position in the playlist
./systems/youtubePlayer.js !togglerequests !togglerequests Toggle songrequests on/off
./systems/ticketRaffleSystem.js !traffle open !traffle open (max entries) (cost) (-followers) Open's a ticket raffle. -followers is optional
./systems/ticketRaffleSystem.js !traffle close !traffle close Closes a ticket raffle
./systems/ticketRaffleSystem.js !traffle repick !traffle repick Picks a new winner for the ticket raffle
./systems/ticketRaffleSystem.js !traffle messagetoggle !traffle messagetoggle Toggles on and off the entering message
./systems/ticketRaffleSystem.js !traffle !traffle [option] Gives you the usage
./systems/ticketRaffleSystem.js !tickets !tickets [amount] Buy tickets to enter the ticket raffle